Friday, June 21, 2024

Chef Geoffrey Zakarian's Half Sour Pickles And BBQ Sauce


These two recipes from Chef Geoffrey Zakarian are definitely keepers. Pickling cucumbers is too darn easy not to try it. I suggest following the instructions exactly the 1st time out. You can blanch the cucumbers thereafter if you like pickles less raw.


Toss all the ingredients in a canning jar, screw on its lid and store in the refrigerator for at least 5 days before eating.


I love a scrumptious barbecue sauce. I have 2 recipes for you. For mine click here. The one below is extra special!

The BBQ Sauce for Burgers

The Barbecue Sauce Ingredients


Toss all the ingredients (except for the bacon) into a stockpot and simmer on a stovetop for 40 minutes. You can save the bacon to top the burgers. Chef Geoffrey tosses them into his BBQ sauce at the end of the cooking time, but I prefer my sauce to be healthier with fewer calories. {I don't put bacon on burgers either. For me, it's too much of a good thing. I eat crispy bacon with eggs for a weekend breakfast. Moderation is ideal.}
Thank you, Chef Geoffrey Zakarian, for sharing your restaurant recipes!

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