Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gift Ideas For Him

#1 and #2 layered - multiple colors available
An interviewer asked the actress Sarah Jessica Parker what one thing would she like to give to her children. The multi-talented and savvy mother of 3 said, I'd like for them to know the pleasure of wanting things. Anticipation ... waiting for something to arrive is part of the excitement, no? And once in hand, you appreciate it all the more.

We have 4 days left until Christmas. L.L. Bean has a few cozy gifts for the men in your life and if still looking you can order the right gift ... enclose an image of it as an I.O.U. inside a glittery holiday card with a heartfelt note. Find a little box, wrap it up and tie a beautiful ribbon around it. Are you short a gift perhaps?

Here are a few more gift ideas:

1) Unshrinkable Mini-Waffle Shirt - Soft and cozy in 2 styles: Henley and crewneck. Layer it with #2

2) PrimaLoft-Lined Shirt-Jac - Part jacket, part shirt. Provides the comfort of a jacket with the feel of a button-down shirt and insulated for warmth. #1 and #2 are a winning combo!

🎄🎁🔔Here are alternative men's Woolrich wool shirts. Plus funnel, cotton and jacket shirts. Same style as L.L.Bean. Excellent quality and durable, yet pricey; and the wool shirts are not washable. I bought 2 many years ago that still look new. Their value has risen just like Chanel handbags! Woolrich blankets are first-rate also. Watch for the after Christmas sales!🎄🎁🔔

3) Washable Lambswool Sweater - Wash and wear warmth. These soft sweaters are expertly knit and designed for machine washing.

4) Stabilicers Walkers - Sturdy yet lightweight traction for winter walks on icy and snowy surfaces. Slips over most footwear.

And a bonus --
5) NYC Coffee Cups - A ceramic version of the famous NYC paper street cups. Cute coffee cups that fit neatly into a cupboard, or dashboard!

Over the last days before Christmas, you have the option of paying to expedite shipping; or keep the gifts coming after Christmas! Our family doesn't mind the 2nd less expensive option. You decide.

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  1. Dearest Debbie,
    Practical things that keep you warm, in fact warm ones heart twice!
    We're happy we made the long journey back and forth to the 2nd largest US national military cemetery in Chattanooga. Our best friend's ashes found their final resting place and it was on a sunny, but windy cold day. Yesterday when I drove back from our hotel in Marietta, via shopping stop in Atlanta (non-gift and non-food related this time) we came home in the rain and today is worse and tomorrow...
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

    1. Ah you are good friends, indeed. A bittersweet trip. Tennessee is a lovely state of dear people who are excellent friends and neighbors. You'll have to return for a less solemn reason.
      I love the wisdom of the saying you cite. Sound and true. I am happy to know you are back home where, hopefully, you can stay indoors and dry during the rain.

      We had snow on Friday and crazy up and down weather that has followed. Hot one day and cold the next.
