Thursday, October 18, 2018

Behind The Blogging Scene

Georgia Armani store widow, glare galore
I always say THE SAVVY SHOPPER is a writing, not a photo blog. Nonetheless, I do my best aesthetically! On Monday I posted several shots of the spectacular ball gowns in the windows of Georgio Armani's flagship Madison Avenue store. My favorite of the gala dresses didn't make the post because no matter the angle I couldn't get a glareless photo. And ... here it is.↑↕↓ If you look closely, you can see my reflection in the glare snapping it. Sometimes a blogger leaves a top choice out when she can't obtain a visual.

Oh well my lovely fashionistas, it's still a beautiful dress!

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  1. Well, hello there Debra! I take a few unintentional selfies along the way too - all part of the fun of blogging. We aim to please our Readers :) Great dress, by the way.

    1. Sometimes it's fun to see "behind the scenes" stuff, isn't it? The "imperfections," you didn't use for obvious reasons. Oh, that dress is georgous! And the presentation of the dresses in the windows was as you'd expect ... lovely too!

      Ralph Lauren, about 10 blocks up Madison Avenue at East 72nd Street, has a 50 years retrospective of his designs in the widows ... lovely LIVE looking up at it from the sidewalk, but unforturnately it didn't photograph well. So LIVE is better!

      I love your blog's photos, Trish!

  2. What a stunning dress! I am absolutely hopeless w/a camera or my cell phone. If I manage to take a decent picture, it's totally by accident. I really do believe writing and photography are often separate, competing talents. For some reason, my best pictures are always of my cat Kiri, who is incredibly photogenic.

    I envy you living in NYC. So many fabulous pictures just waiting to be taken. Like you, I usually end up writing about what I've seen. It's actually more creative and satisfying. I'm sure you agree. We do live in a visual world, but the written word can truly create images that rival the visual.

    Cheers, M-T

    1. Although I can appreciate a fine photograph, blogs that only focus on bloggers changing outfits and posting selfies of themselves bore me to death and I tend not to follow them as there is no real subsatance there and their posts get repetitive. After a click or two, I no longer care to see what they are wearing that day. But I am prehaps in the minority because the selfies blogglers have the following and a high Google rating.

      I definitely want more substance, i.e. copy ... thoughts and commentary in a blog. More than fluff ... a bit of a voice and a conversation is nice.

      Regarding my photos, I think I have the eye to take them, but don't have the expensive camera or later generation smart phone. And considering what I just said, I prefer focusing on words, i.e. writing. The selfies bloggers will admit to taking 20+ shots of themselves to get that one perfect photograph. I'd much rather live in the moment then write about the experience, in lieu of photographing it. Different strokes for different folks.
