Monday, September 4, 2023

Is Ice Cream the Ambrosia Of the Gods?

Photo: Braum
In Homer's epic poems, the Illiad and the Odyssey, the gods are always eating Ambrosia and drinking The Nectar of the Gods although in early editions they may be one and the same, so indistinguishable. In Homer's work, the divine food is consumed on top of Mount Olympus and thereby tied to immortality, magical powers, and godliness. 

Photo: ultraboardgames
I can't be the only person on earth ever to wonder what precisely Ambrosia and The Nectar of the Gods are. Scholars think both could be honey ... or if one is a drink, Nectar is likely mead while only Ambrosia is honey. Like the brains who study these questions in depth, I also guessed they are honey and an alcoholic beverage. (Hey academics, perhaps my blog can save you years of research. Read on.😊)

As I have another guess for Ambrosia if we accept it is separate from the Nectar of the Gods. I think ambrosia is likely ice cream since once you let yourself eat ice cream you can't get enough. In your mouth, it has magical powers!

Because in my family we have no desire to weigh 300 pounds, I don't buy ice cream for the freezer until the end of June. The weather in early June can still be nippy, so we try to hold off until the real summer with steamy hot weather arrives. We buy ice cream throughout July and August, then try to stop once fall is upon us. I also buy wafer cones because it slows us down and we tend to eat less ice cream if we lick it on a cone. You have no idea how much ice cream you can scoop out to fit into a bowl in our house! It's our magical power.😛

Photo: freepik
So, readers, we ate our last ice cream cone on Thursday, August 31st and the question is, will I buy one more carton of ice cream (or 2, or 3) as summer is not officially over this year until Saturday, September 23rd? Also, we have 2 rows of wafer cones left in a box. They shouldn't go to waste, right?

I decided yes, buy another carton if temperatures soar again and no, we've eaten plenty already if they don't.

Ice cream is a dessert I buy readymade since I can't make it better, healthier, easier, or cheaper at home.

By the way, we do eat ice cream throughout the year to celebrate birthdays and as dessert if we host a dinner or are invited to dinner, or if we treat ourselves with a trip to an ice cream shop. I just don't keep it in the freezer outside of the summer months. Unlike the ancient Greek gods (image ↖credit) we must leave home to eat it during the fall, winter, or spring seasons in the interest of health and not adding another 50 pounds to our frames! We don't have the discipline to skip ice cream if it's in the house because ice cream really is the Ambrosia of the gods! It's soooo good you can't stop eating it!!

Do you love ice cream?🍦

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  1. Happy that you are bending your "end of August" rules in the face of the big heat wave gripping East Coast (includes New York) about now. Enjoy- certainly into mid September, maybe even later into the month.

    1. Thanks, Barry, as long as it's 90+ degrees F, it's summer. :)

  2. OK, it has cooled down a bit, but on the ice cream front, I would highly recommend "Tillamook"- which I think is from the West Coast but is widely available on the East Coast. Super creamy ice cream. I love their vanilla flavor, which I scoop with a big spoon right out of the container!
