On Facebook a post read, "I'm staying up this year to make sure 2020 goes!" In a similar vein, I'll definitely open champagne tonight to welcome 2021.
It's been a rough two years. First in 2019, my upstairs hookah smoking neighbor burned her apartment up and displaced all of us below her. It took us nearly a year to repair the damage and replace furniture only to be followed in 2020 by a global pandemic that shut down life and killed lots of people. A year like no other! Who could have predicted it?
As difficult as both years were, I still feel lucky compared to past generations who went through tougher times that included famines; diseases without science; and long, drawn-out wars.
Nobody in my family has COVID yet. In fact, we have a measure of control, food to eat, a developed vaccine, as well as, the warmth and comfort of home to ride this COVID pandemic out. We also have the technology to keep in touch with the family and friends we cannot see. So although we're stressed living in a new normal, we're extremely fortunate.
I don't think life can always be happy ... or easy. But it's certainly not meant to be mostly gloom and doom either! We will have to wear our masks; wash our hands; and avoid large gatherings for a bit longer, probably until next July/August, 2021. And yet, the future looks bright. And it starts right now on the 1st day of the new year!
In the year ahead, let's strive to be positive, embrace happiness, and look out for one another! Thank you for stopping by and supporting THE SAVVY SHOPPER! As always, let me know if there are topics you wish to address.
Wishing all my readers and friends continued safety, security, and a Happy New Year 2021! xoxoπto all!!
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