Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025

Here we are again starting a brand new year. Truthfully, I'll live the new year much like I did the old one. No monumental changes that I can predict.

For several years now, I've been on a reduce-and-organize kick. I don't deprive myself of things that make my life better, easier, or happier, yet for sure, I've become a more mindful shopper. Call me an under buyer as opposed to an emotional buyer. Beautiful, impractical things stay on a retailer's shelf even if I fall in love while standing in front of them! I do that plenty of times! Still, if I don't have a place, budget, or need for ''it'(whatever it is) I move on. [↑Photo of fireworks above left: Istock] 

Rockefeller Center tree taken on December 30, 2024

I also take stock of what I already own such as articles of clothing like t-shirts, leggings, or shoes; scented soaps; skincare products (retinols and moisturizers are a weakness); or makeup from eye shadows to lipsticks and have formed the habit of using up what I have at home before adding new products. Over time I've learned our lives get simpler if we're not always out and about looking for more commodities to haul home. When we do replace possessions that either run out or wear out, we can fully enjoy new purchases. It turns out that buying more than enough doesn't tend to save us money or increase our happiness. So my motto is: Always buy enough, not more than enough!

There is an area of life where spawning more than enough rocks ... and increases happiness. It's showing kindness to our fellow humans. We can't shower others with more than enough kindness. If you can help someone do it. Little appropriate kindnesses can make a huge difference in the lives of other people. Judge people less. Assess your time and energy to know what you can give. Be generous with your time, acceptance, and hospitality. There are no small gestures only overthinkers who are afraid of extending themselves. In instances when your goodwill isn't received well (as there are all kinds of imperfect people in the world) remember you're only responsible for your good intentions, not someone else's reaction. Move on to the next human, chances are s/he will be on the same page as you! Surround yourself with positive, generous, kind people.

So in 2025, let's rekindle our best efforts from 2024, 2023, 2022, etc. ... and continue growing wiser and better at connecting with one another.

appy New Year
🎉, Readers! Now and then drink the champagne. Know that I love and appreciate you! Many thanks for your support!!

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Friday, December 31, 2021

A Happy New Year 2022

Wishing all my readers a Happy New Year! Some sparkle and poetry to ring it in ~

Good Riddance, But Now What?

By Ogden Nash 

Come, children, gather round my knee;
Something is about to be.
Tonight’s December thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
The clock is crouching, dark and small,
Like a time bomb in the hall.
Hark! It’s midnight, children dear.
Duck! Here comes another year.

From Read Me 2: A Poem For Every Day Of The Year

Auld Lang Syne

By Robert Burns

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint stowp!
And surely I’ll be mine!
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes,
And pou’d the gowans fine;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit,
Sin’ auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl’d in the burn,
Frae morning sun till dine;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d

Sin’ auld lang syne.

And there’s a hand, my trusty fere!
And gie’s a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll tak a right gude-willie waught,
For auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
From A Poem for Every Night of the Year

Stay healthy and safe my lovelies!🎉

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Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021

On Facebook a post read, "I'm staying up this year to make sure 2020 goes!" In a similar vein, I'll definitely open champagne tonight to welcome 2021. 

It's been a rough two years. First in 2019, my upstairs hookah smoking neighbor burned her apartment up and displaced all of us below her. It took us nearly a year to repair the damage and replace furniture only to be followed in 2020 by a global pandemic that shut down life and killed lots of people. A year like no other! Who could have predicted it?
As difficult as both years were, I still feel lucky compared to past generations who went through tougher times that included famines; diseases without science; and long, drawn-out wars. 

Nobody in my family has COVID yet. In fact, we have a measure of control, food to eat, a developed vaccine, as well as, the warmth and comfort of home to ride this COVID pandemic out. We also have the technology to keep in touch with the family and friends we cannot see. So although we're stressed living in a new normal, we're extremely fortunate.

I don't think life can always be happy ... or easy. But it's certainly not meant to be mostly gloom and doom either! We will have to wear our masks; wash our hands; and avoid large gatherings for a bit longer, probably until next July/August, 2021. And yet, the future looks bright. And it starts right now on the 1st day of the new year!
In the year ahead, let's strive to be positive, embrace happiness, and look out for one another! Thank you for stopping by and supporting THE SAVVY SHOPPER! As always, let me know if there are topics you wish to address.

Wishing all my readers and friends continued safety, security, and a Happy New Year 2021! xoxo💋to all!!

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Photo: Shutterstock
Finally a new decade: 2020 is here! (Although technically a new decade starts with the #1 as in 2021, but we won't get so scientistic.:)

Although I don't make New Year's resolutions per say, I'm committed to becoming an even more curated buyer of things in the future. During the last few years I've tried to simplify life by bringing fewer things into my kitchen, bathroom, home ... i.e., life, which includes food, personal care items, clothing and home goods. My goal isn't to do without necessities. It's to buy what I need; not more than what I need. 
Just a few years ago I might have purchased 6 or 8 shampoos or soap, or (fill in the blank) at a good price, usually  to qualify for free shipping. But it takes too long to finish the stash and often leads to unintended waste. So I've reformed! Now I buy one, plus a spare of most everything even at a good price. 

If I must add too many extras to get free shipping, I pass on an item. In my experience, it saves more money and lessens waste. Sales happen often enough so there's no real need to stock up as if we only get to the supermarket, or drugstore once a year. I'll be able to find noodles, condensed milk, body lotion, lipstick, bedsheets, (or you name it) on sale again after finishing my one, plus one product. I also think each of us is savvy enough to know when to make an exception to this general rule. So I'm not worried about running out, or of having to overpay for most things. 
What's more, I begin 2020 having mostly replaced processed food (examples of what I no longer buy: canned soups, boxed ready-to-eat breakfast cereals and carbonated sodas; processed food is usually found in the middle aisles of a supermarket) with real food that I bring home to prepare myself (like meat, potatoes, whole grains [oatmeal, quinoa], fruit and vegetables, coffee and tea; which is usually stocked in the side lanes of a supermarket).

With personal care items, my mission continues ... not to buy any more soap, lotions, potions, shampoos, or conditioners until I use up what I already have ... and mostly I succeed! My goal is to have no more than one shampoo in the bathroom caddy (done!) and not more than 2 hair conditioners there (I'm working on it)! Moreover, I can't recommend the beauty brands SheaMoisture (personal care goods) and The Ordinary (skin care) enough for consumers who seek the highest quality of ingredients for less. Both are game changers in the beauty industry!

For apparel, the game chargers are Uniqlo and T.J. Maxx, where fashion and quality for less are unbeatable. For furniture and home accessories (including cookware), I must give the nod to T.J. Maxx again along with its sister company, HomeGoods. You simply can't match high quality verses low price elsewhere. Of course furniture is the more complicated always requiring hours of research per need.
But money alone will never enrich a life. So on THE SAVVY SHOPPER you also get a dose of lifestyle, history, entertainment, philosophy ... and an occasional essay on some world event. And as usual, I encourage you to share your thoughts and let me know if there are subjects you wish to know more about. Thank you dear readers for stopping by ... xoxo!

🎊Happy New Year 2020!🎉

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Photo: NBC: Times Square Countdown to the New Year
Happy New Year 2019!🎉 Tonight millions of people are gathered in Times Square to watch the Ball Drop undetered by a heavy rainstorm! And that is really saying something as no umbrellas are allowed.
Photo: Lighting Science
The first Ball Drop occurred in 1907, which makes 2019 the 112th time it kicks off The New Year. Today's Times Square ball is LED lighting, and it stays up all year around so visitors can see the ball whenever they come to Times Square.
People standing shoulder to shoulder in a downpour.
Personally, I stay away from the Ball Drop on New Year's Eve, not because of the crowd (it's thrilling!); but nowadays for safety, too many of the cross streets close and you must 
arrive at 3 pm - 4 pm in order to get a spot, which means hours standing in Times Square! And, there are no bathrooms! So like many of you, I like to watch the excitment on screen elsewhere (with snacks, water and champaign)!
Photo: NBC: Another angle of the countdown in Times Square
In 2001, I went to a Broadway play and out to dinner -- about 9 blocks away from the Ball Drop -- close enough on New Year's Eve! I like the vibes of being near Time Square, if not in the thick of it.🙂 And, I also enjoy staying home, a cozy place to be: After toasting The New Year, traveling from the couch to bed so late at night is an easy commute. Isn't it?
Life is a continuum! Whatever 2018 lacked, let's strive to fill the _____ void this year. May you continue to grow and improve. Get smarter. Get busy. Get involved! Stay positive. 2019 is the year to think outside and expand your box. Here's to the future!!🎈 
Happy New Year People!

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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year From Manhattan

Photo: from Times Square
I hear people say: the months of 2017 have passed in what feels like dog years. It has been a year of turmoil and divisiveness. Our Congress seems out of step with regular people. High profile men fell from grace, and we worry about our executive branch of government daily. The year has been exhausting for many Americans and the world.

Cloak at Grand Central Sation - right photo:; left photo: 
But at the stroke of midnight, we began a New Year. And, I am an optimist. The pendulum swings back and forth. I'm happy to be here. Aren't you? Let's celebrate 2018!
Nobody knows how to ring in a New Year like New York City. From neighborhood parties to the huge one in Times Square. Uptown, downtown  ... corks are popping in bars, restaurants and homes.
Photo: Kelly Hulme via TimeOut
In New York's harbor there are sometimes fireworks, but they are not announced. You just have to catch them. Watch the ball drop on TV if you wish ... while making trips into the kitchen for snacks and champaign. The couch is cozy and an easy commute to bed.😊 

It's the perfect time to join together and move forward. Happy New Year, friends!🎉 


Extra Photos: Ahh, sooo New York City. And yes, we have light snow.
Photo: By Belinda Luscombe of The Flatiron Building on West 23rd Street

The snow from my window ....

Uptdate on January 1, 2018: The temperature in Times Square on New Year's Eve was 9 degrees F. This morning, it fell to 8 degrees F. That's cold! Stop falling!!!

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Saturday, December 31, 2016


Photo: Abstract Wallpaper
I'm hoping 2017 is kinder to us than was 2016. On the dark side, we survived a nasty, polarizing election, as well as, the deaths of so many beloved luminaries in such quick succession that at times it seemed like fake news, another characteristic of 2016. Sad events are hard to shake off while still fresh.

On the bright side, The New Year begins here in the USA with President Barack Obama still holding office for all of 20 days. Personally, I will miss his intelligent, measured, informed and steady leadership.
The Obama Christmas card
Moreover, there has never been a classier First Lady than Michelle Obama. We should thank the Obamas for their dignity, focus on meaningful progress, and for inspiring us with their attitude towards their critics: "When they go low, we go high." We will do well to embrace their grace and positive example as our guide in tackling change and trepidations in 2017.

Furthermore, Malia and Sasha are turning into beautiful young women. I will miss this warm, down-to-earth family!  

Soon ... onto the next phase of their lives. As I understand it, when President Obama leaves office, he wants to mentor the next generation of leaders in the Democratic party, as it strives to rebuild. So we will have his leadership in another vital capacity.  

Taking another lesson from the Obamas: Change sometimes requires a call to action. Is something not what you want it to be? Get involved. Make things better!

To the readers of THE SAVVY SHOPPER, you are awesome! Thank you for the honor of your time. I love getting your emails and comments, plus cherish a few friendships developed with my fellow bloggers. Sharing our thoughts, interests and knowledge with one another is what makes blogging worthwhile. I love hearing from you and am grateful you stop by for a read. 

Warm, good wishes to all my lovely peeps all over the globe for a ...

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