Tuesday, September 24, 2024

3 Quiet Luxury Bags

I'm happy to have finished my teens and 20s before the logo designer bag craze began. My parents bought me well-made leather shoes that held up and later on I followed their example with handbags. Moreover, we didn't collect them, just bought them as needed. After spending a fortune, some luxury-obsessed fashionistas are waking up and feeling the sting of debt for the surface status and not necessarily the quality of the luxury bags they collect ... and luxe brands including Hermès, Dior, and Chanel are noticing shrinking profits (in 2023 - 2024) -- some critics say due to their arrogance and greed in mistreating loyal customers. A shame as we love the aesthetics of the high fashion labels.

Today I'm featuring 3 luxury quality leather bags that are pricey yet attainable and made by companies that don't play the designer bag games with consumers, namely a) by creating scarcity and artificial demand; b) while offering poor snarly customer service; c) by charging $1000s more than the worth of the bags, i.e., for a logo; and d) sometimes selling customers inferior quality while hiking up prices several times a year.

Today's 3 featured brands offer customers fairness and quality for their business!

Full disclosure: I love the leather and craftsmanship of the featured bags below👇, however, I'm not a handbag maven, myself, and don't own them. I'm happy with COACH. But if ever I see an unbelievable deal, I'll know to snatch up the following bags and you will too!:

1) Strathberry - I'm featuring the tote (👆top image) and East/West (👈left image), but as with the other 2 accessory makers, there are many bag styles for customers. All Strathberry bags take up to 20 days to handcraft by artisans in Spain. The style is simple elegant lines oftentimes completed by Strathberry's signature bar closure.

2) Pourchet - A French brand that began making bags in 1903. The classic bags in its collection are made of durable smooth calf leather with impeccable craftsmanship and timeless straight lines. The Trianon is perhaps the retailer's most popular bag. It's minis a few Alexander Hamilton's under $400 which is far less than competitor French luxury bags.

3) Le Tanneur - is another French leather goods merchant that has been stitching full-grain leather bags since 1898. The Emile bag above reminds me of Saint Laurent's best-selling Envelope bag for roughly half the price!

If you're a bag maven who is tired of being gauged and underappreciated by the flashy logo brands (whose practices seem to care more about taking your money than giving you quality, service, or the respect you deserve for your purchase) perhaps consider StrathberryPourchet, or Le Tanneur. Each makes gorgeous, exceptionally crafted bags (indeed not cheap), yet for thousands less!

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  1. These bags are all really beautiful Debbie, and chic for walking the streets of NYC! It would be hard to choose, but the Pourchet appeals to me for timeless elegance. Our Queensland lifestyle has become more laid-back these days, and a beautiful bag is a rarity on our streets. So sad - Covid seems to have affected us in peculiar ways!
