Walmart may not be the first retailer that comes to mind for finding a smart trendy bag, but you'd be surprised at the stylish deals and steals available on its website. For sure, I am! The styles, hues, and materials are many. I've picked 6 of the genuine leather options that are a fraction of their usual retail prices. There are more! The bags come in up to 7 colors.
Walmart has quite an online selection of bags of all types. Sometimes the bags are cheaper than what a replacement strap costs elsewhere. By the way, if you like the bag but want to buy a thicker leather strap (look on Etsy, Amazon, or the retailer of your look-alike bag) as you are left with the funds to do so! The Walmart Birkin dupe bag comes from 4 third-party sellers listed within Walmart's online store, including Judy, Kamugo, Bestspr, and Ymtq. Reportedly it's genuine leather.Be sure to read the descriptions carefully so you catch the sizes and textures of the bags. Reading every customer review is super helpful in not ordering mistakes, but if you don't like your purchase, Walmart has an easy and inexpensive return policy.A nice bag on a budget, one that won't fall apart soon. Who knew?
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Oh my, I love that pink tote so much! What a pity there is no Walmart over here. Hoping pink bags are a 'thing' this year, and they might appear in a store near me one day. Pink being my favourite colour and all, lol.
ReplyDeleteIt's cute and a very pretty shade of pink! How I wish you could get your hands on it.
Deleteyour blog is so informative. I really impressed.Thannks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteOnline Shopping in Pakistan
Thanks Irhaa for stopping by! Glad to have it here.!