Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Photo: NBC: Times Square Countdown to the New Year
Happy New Year 2019!๐ŸŽ‰ Tonight millions of people are gathered in Times Square to watch the Ball Drop undetered by a heavy rainstorm! And that is really saying something as no umbrellas are allowed.
Photo: Lighting Science
The first Ball Drop occurred in 1907, which makes 2019 the 112th time it kicks off The New Year. Today's Times Square ball is LED lighting, and it stays up all year around so visitors can see the ball whenever they come to Times Square.
People standing shoulder to shoulder in a downpour.
Personally, I stay away from the Ball Drop on New Year's Eve, not because of the crowd (it's thrilling!); but nowadays for safety, too many of the cross streets close and you must 
arrive at 3 pm - 4 pm in order to get a spot, which means hours standing in Times Square! And, there are no bathrooms! So like many of you, I like to watch the excitment on screen elsewhere (with snacks, water and champaign)!
Photo: NBC: Another angle of the countdown in Times Square
In 2001, I went to a Broadway play and out to dinner -- about 9 blocks away from the Ball Drop -- close enough on New Year's Eve! I like the vibes of being near Time Square, if not in the thick of it.๐Ÿ™‚ And, I also enjoy staying home, a cozy place to be: After toasting The New Year, traveling from the couch to bed so late at night is an easy commute. Isn't it?
Life is a continuum! Whatever 2018 lacked, let's strive to fill the _____ void this year. May you continue to grow and improve. Get smarter. Get busy. Get involved! Stay positive. 2019 is the year to think outside and expand your box. Here's to the future!!๐ŸŽˆ 
Happy New Year People!

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  1. What great suggestions for the New Year, Debbie. I hope you have a fantastic 2019. It never seems New Year is complete until the ball drops in Times Square - hours after we have seen midnight and gone off to bed :)

    1. I like to blame it on getting over a head cold (the 1st I had in 5 years), but I needed a nap before midnight this year, or rather last year! Of course, I’m not getting any younger either. ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰ Happy New Year right back at you, Trish!

  2. Dearest Debbie,
    Certainly nothing beats a cozy couch and a glass of champagne within reach + several bathrooms within walking distance too! Oh my Lord, in a downpour, how awful must that have been. Lots of people that got sick for sure.
    Can't believe the 1st day is ending already... we each year roll into this at a high speed. Had a productive day however. Did read yesterday some old magazines that I kept with recipes inside a box. Turned out they were from 2008... Today I scanned all that I liked and uploaded it onto Pinterest and now they're stacked up for our cat-sitter who's a widow and graciously accepts all my magazines.
    Feels good, at least a good start into the new year. Trying hard to downsize and declutter! Let's see how much will get done in the remaining 364 days....
    Wishing you a very happy one and a healthy one!

    1. I'm understand New York City's need and efforts to keep people safe for major events, but it sure adds hours, really a whole day to attending them. When I first moved to the Upper East Side, I recall watching the Thnanksgiving Day parade on television and deciding while it was still happening to cross Central Park to see some of it LIVE, which I did. No longer could one quicky cross the park -- all the cross streets are closed, save for a designated one, or two -- making it timely and inconvenient to crossover. The parade would be long over by the time I arrived these days. The same is true of Times Square on New Year's Eve. People arrive 12 - 14 hours earlier before the Ball Drop, hours I'd rather spend not standing in Times Square.

      I'm with you on decluttering. I focus it and will be deligent again this year. I may also donate things to charity, I never touch ... even to the point of reducing dishes. It's been a long time since I've used entire place-settings. Can I reduce it? On Christmas I got 2 new mugs, not 4, 8 or 12. That's the direction I'm going. I wish I had steamless wine glasses -- so I could reduce the space for them in my cabinet to 2 stacks. The question becomes do I spend the money to rebuy them? So far the answer has been no. So that's where I'm going. Declutter, declutter, declutter!

    2. Dearest Debbie,
      It is kind of strange that we spend years and years for hunting down what we like and want and use it for a while and then try to reverse it! Guess it is the age cycle and we could only purchase it then from those who wanted to part with it.
      Trying hard to make life simpler indeed and lots of paperwork is getting in the way, so anything that can be made digital is a big help. I've downsized to all those magazines too. Can't make the sweet desserts anymore so why buy them? I've let them go since 2008 when I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. No regret and it is easy for finding anything on line if you have to.
      I've not used my French Baccarat crystal in months and for New Year's Eve we did not sip our champagne from the Baccarat flutes either but used cheap wine glasses... Sure with fur babies around things are different too.
      Sending you hugs,

    3. Usually I donate things I go two years without using. Seems not easy to resale ... you never get near what you paid for things. But In the suburds you can at least hold yard sales.

      As you mentioned, I am determined to live a simple, organized life. I wish I could give your cat-sitter a slack of Vaniety Fair magazines. It's the only one left I continue to subscribe to.

  3. I adore NYC, but prefer to watch the Ball Drop from a safe distance. Still, it wouldn't be a New Year if I missed it. Even at my age, everything feels new and fresh and full of possibilities once the clock strikes midnight. I hope I will always feel that way.

    Wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year full of everything you wish and a few things you've only dreamed about.

    Cheers, M-T

    1. Ahh, what warm, good wishes. I'll take them and send some back to you, M-T. Happy New Year!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Philipe! Welcome to the blog.
