Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Half Day's Garment Duffel Bag

Half Day's Garment Duffel Bag is a game changer! It's the most versatile travel bag we didn't know we needed. The duffel is durable, water-resistant, and lightweight, yet it hangs a business suit, dresses, and shirts wrinkle-free while also carrying shoes, folded clothes, and accessories. There is lots of room and pockets to separate a wardrobe for travel! After you get to your destination, you can unfold the bag and hang the whole bag up on a closet or shower rod if you wish. (After the bedbug invasion of 2010, I'd suggest not using hotel closets.)

Only having discovered the bag, I'm unaware of how to score a discount on Half Day's full retail price of $108 or $168. A search doesn't pull up any department stores that sell it. Major department stores always have promotion days, yet it isn't listed on Macy's, Nordstrom's, Bloomingdale, Saks, or Dillard's websites.
Amazon carries the Haf Day bag + less costly similar designed duffels so start your search there to find a proximate bag for less. If a frequent traveler, you may decide that paying the piper for the original is worth it.

The Moulyan Garment Duffle, at $39, is one of Amazon's cheaper alternatives I like because it is alike but has the 3rd way of wearing it as a backpack and not just as a tote or shoulder bag. If you're looking for a duffel garment bag, you should compare the two to decide which price tag best fits your budget and needs. The less expensive bag is good enough for weekends away or biyearly vacations. A salesman whose job is to travel might need the $100 - $200 bag. Read all the customer reviews to know. The majority will usually guide you correctly.
Certainly, the design is genius and super functional! What do you think of these 2 garment duffel bags? Do you carry a favorite garment duffel bag brand?

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1 comment:

  1. Lots of alternatives for the biz traveler. The trick for short trips is do the travelling in a suit or wear jacket. The other stuff can be crunched up- but pack dress shirt carefully. Back in the day I had Lands-End bag w hangers (similar concept to the Half Day), it had a shoulder strap. At some point, wheelies became more widely available and easier than carrying a bag and/ or pulling out my shoulder! However soft crunchy bags always can be made to "fit" in overhead compartments on planes! A vexing "first world" problem and you certainly have some good ideas on here.
