Monday, March 3, 2025


THE SAVVY SHOPPER is 16 years old today. It's unbelievable how time flies. 

Sixteen years ago in 2009 Barak Obama served as the first African American president. Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas were new artists, and eggs cost $1.34. Times change! Life is like a pendulum that swings back and forth. Do we ever learn the lessons of history? Hopefully we can, do, or will sooner than later.

Dear readers, you are awesome for spending time with me! Thank you for stopping by and/or returning.

If you'd like to learn more about a subject or something related on THE SAVVY SHOPPER just let me know and I'll do my best to write about it.

Thinking of time gone by, I remember my 16th birthday. That day made my 46-year-old Father feel old. It's all relative! After he came home from the office, he took me out for a drive because he knew I was eager to get my driver's permit, which I did a week after my 16th birthday. I missed one question on the written exam and later scored 100% on the road test after taking 3 lessons at a driver's school. To show me the basics, Dad had me drive around 2 telephone poles in an empty parking lot for a couple of hours. He said since he had no breaks on the passenger side of his car, it was best to attend a driving school. I agreed! If I ever wanted to leave the parking lot and learn to drive under real road conditions, I needed to learn from a professional. Sweet 16 began, fortunately without a bang with no car crashes!

Still after passing the tests and getting your driver's license, it takes time to become a confident driver. Out in traffic I remember thinking, "WOW, this is incredible. They let ANYBODY get behind the wheel!"😳

Over time I became an excellent driver. Practice does it.

And now my blog is Sweet 16 also! Where does the time go?

Since the beginning of humankind, poets have thought about it. We all know the Ecclesiastes verses. Let's end with a lesser known poem addressing the idea of ...


By Tony Avila Sampson

TIME born with all the sky?
Can TIME suffer and also die? 

Is TIME flat? Or is TIME round?
Where is TIME? Can TIME be found?
Is TIME there with each beat of the heart?
Was TIME there from the very start?
Must TIME go to that being made?
Does TIME show by that being fade?
Can TIME give and also take?
Must TIME be for that to make?
Is TIME real? How is TIME there? 
Can TIME be found in a breath of air? 
Does the portal of TIME drape the eye as it blinks? 

Can TIME be more stranger than a brain that thinks? 
Does TIME provide a way dimensions are spaced?
Are all creatures of TIME somehow inwardly paced?
Is all manner of TIME with all matter that be?
Does TIME flow endlessly?
How does the future with TIME flow past? 

Does TIME move slow? Can TIME move fast? 

Does TIME have a speed limit we call 'now'?
Is something 'like' gravity pulling TIME? How?
Is TIME bound? Or is TIME free?
Is TIME that what is meant to be?

Happy 16th Birthday, THE SAVVY SHOPPER!🎈🎂🎊

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