Although I examine and admire many luxury bags I don't own any such as Hermes, Chanel, or Louis Vuitton. I'm a lover and owner of 5 Coach bags.
Among its inventory, Coach offers several totes of different sizes and leathers. The Rae Tote is my newest favorite. At 11.1"H x 13.1"W x 5.1"D it's the perfect size to carry all our essentials including a 13" laptop, and yet it's compact and more roomy than enormous. I'm also hugely fond of its glovetan leather, named after the leather used to make baseball gloves. It has 2 inside slip pockets to hold smaller items plus a removable leather zip pouch and crossbody straps. The inside lining is suede. The handles are made to fold on the interior or exterior of the tote and when folded cleverly form 2 perfect "C"s for Coach!
Let's hope and pray Coach stays Coach, a fine leather goods merchant outside the luxury market, and its bags won't double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple ... decuple in price!🙏🙏🙏
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