Showing posts with label ginger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ginger. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Benefits Of Ginger Juice

Years ago I stopped drinking Coke and Dr. Pepper to protect my teeth. The magazines were I worked gave them to us for free, and I drank 2 cans each day. The acid ate away my tooth enamel, and the chemicals in the soda are not good for us either.

Now I drink mostly ice water, but every so often I crave a kick of flavor. I am giving ginger juice a whirl. Sometimes I use ginger root in recipes calling for it, and I like the subtle heat of dried ginger candy. In Manhattan buying a 32-ounce bottle of already squeezed ginger juice for about $15 costs nearly the same as buying pounds of ginger root and extracting the juice from the pulp. So that's what I'll do. I started with a 5-ounce bottle to try it out.

Moreover ginger juice is thought to have several health benefits (requiring more scientific studies to support the claims, but still worth noting). The following is what limited studies say:

1) Ginger juice improves digestion, purifies the mouth and freshens breath by stimulating the production of saliva. It might also ease nausea and indigestion caused by pregnancy, surgery and chemotherapy.

2) Ginger juice has antibacterial properties to ease colds, congestion and bronchitis.

3) It has anti-inflammatory properties (including natural compounds gingerols and shogaols) that help to relieve pain from conditions such as arthritis; backaches; and headaches.

4) Certain chemical compounds in ginger may control high blood pressure and bad cholesterol. It could reduce your chances of developing heart disease; certain cancers; and Alzheimer's. Ginger juice may sharpen your mental faculties according to a few sources. 

5) Ginger's antioxidant properties might slow down aging and promote a healthy head of hair. (Oh, good, I'm all in!)

6) Ginger has been suggested as a possible weight loss aide, yet the verdict is still out. Read more about the risks and benefits here.

What is certain: Ginger adds a kick of flavor to drinking water with no known side effects when used in moderation. (Excess is always bad with anything and most everything including eating carrots.) I pour a little of the juice (to taste) into a 32-ounce container of ice water and add a tad of Stevia as a sweetener and sip it throughout the day. Surely it's better than the soda I consumed for years. It's refreshing. I like it!

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Keep Colds And The Flu Away

Although it's impossible to avoid all germs, many doctors agree there are measures you can take to keep from catching every virus that goes around. Start by getting enough rest -- at least 7 - 8 hours of sleep each night -- and eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Here are a few extra precautions to lessen your chances of getting sick:

1} Wash your hands often, especially after touching public areas like doorknobs and shaking hands with other people. As you lather up, mentally sing “Happy Birthday” twice before you rinse with warm water -- that's the length of time you should spend washing your hands.  Extra tip: Carry your own ink pens to use in public places like banks and grocery stores.

2} When you can't get to a sink, use an alcohol hand sanitizer. – I used to think it was overkill for a normal person with a functioning immune system, but with both seasonal and swine flu, plus the usual cold viruses floating around this year, I plan on being more vigilant and buying packets of alcohol-based-moist towelettes to carry in my purse.

3} Reduce stress in your life. – Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day and plan your time wisely. Not only will you lower stress, you'll pace yourself and get more done in the long run. [My mother, who is a pistol, once said, “You can live without food or money if you have to, but stress will bring you down, make you old and kill you faster than anything else in the world.”  This is the same woman who warned me to stay away from the knives because I could poke my eyes out and to hand over the scissors because I could cut my fingers off, but she's right about stress.]

4} Enjoy a social life that makes you happy – First of all, you need some exposure to germs to build up immunities. And studies show, happy people are healthier people.

5} Winterize your diet with these 4 foods: a) 100% fruit juice – According to "You, The Owner's Manual," we need 500 mg of Vitamin C a day. In Winter, I drink orange, pineapple and mango juices and buy oranges and grapefruit. Taking Vitamin C pills work too; b) Eat yogurt – Yogurt, containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, fights off fungus infections, say Drs. Roizen and Oz, authors of the "You" books; c) As it turns out, an apple a day really does keep the doctor away. That's because apples have flavonoids. Flavonoids help the body kill germs more efficiently. Other foods rich in flavonoids, include cranberries, black, green and white teas, oatmeal, broccoli, chili peppers and red wine; d) Consume ginger and turmeric. – Both have properties that boost the immune system and help ward off infections. So eat curries and oriental dishes in Winter to stay healthy.

Why not start Autumn with healthy habits? It's better to prevent a cold than to nurse one. So take good care of yourself.