Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

#Shorts: #21 Skills That Will Pay You Forever

Photo: Corporate Learning

Below is a list of life/business skills that has floated around social media for a while. The 21 skills are very wise, so up on THE SAVVY SHOPPER they go. UpSkillYourLife, a handle on both Twitter and Linkedin, circulated it and it was reshared and retweeted thousands of times, but where it originated is hard to tell with a simple Google search. Please claim it if it is yours.

21 Skills That Will Pay You Forever

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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Happy Easter My Lovelies

Photo: Patch
 It's Holy Week on the Christian calendar, a time to remember it takes hope and perseverance to overcome the expected and unexpected challenges in our Journey of Life. 
Photo: Country Living
Equally important to note: Life is meant to be lived -- happy, enjoyed and purposeful, so try to reach out where and when you can to make a connection and difference in someone else's life.
Photo: recordonline
Be kind! Embrace the spring ... your family and friends ... your unique talents and interests ... you be you!
Photo: Istock - Getty
Value a pretty table setting and a good meal; and don't forget the chocolate bunny!

How lovely and apropos to the season is the sentiment of Phillip Phillip's song, Home -- and just to be clear: On this earth it's meant to be a message from human to human.  Below are my favorite lines: 

''Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble - it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home ''

Hope and human perseverance! Happy Easter, Friends!🌷

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

5 Popular Things I Hate

The aim of THE SAVVY SHOPPER is primarily to talk about loves ... not hates, but for discussion purposes only, it's sometimes fun to share what we don't like, so here I go. Different strokes for different folks, so I don't judge people harshly who like or do the 5 things I dislike, the following 5 are simply not my cup of tea. You can chime in too, but let's keep the topic short and sweet: This discussion will focus on concrete things, not the beliefs, attitudes or behavior of others (which would likely require a deeper examination):

Photo: Pinterest
5 Popular Things I Hate ... and why:

1) Eating contests - Nobody is meant to eat 74 hot dogs in 10 minutes. It’s stupid.

2) Boxing - Knocking somebody unconscious is the highlight of the sport?!? What’s to like about this? Moreover, I’m not enamored by two human beings willingly punching each other in the face over and over. It’s not fun to watch. Plus, who can forget in what condition too many blows to the head left Mohammad Ali?

3) Football - While in high school I enjoyed going with friends to local football games. I understand the skill, the camaraderie, the excitement. However, as the medical evidence on the perils of concussions (for professionals and kids) mount, I feel the risk of brain damage is not worth participating in the sport. What's more, I'd stir today's school boys into less risky sports like track, tennis or basketball.

4) Body tattoos -  For sure, I’m in the minority on this one. It seems the whole world is tattooed. Go swimming, or take a walk to see multiple tattoos up and down arms, backs, or legs. Sometimes people get tattoos to honor a person, place or thing, but I prefer unmarked skin which is even more beautiful, not to mention, easier to examine for skin cancer. 

5) Body piercings - With one exception, earlobes, a practical measure so as not to lose good earrings. I don’t want to buy or wear hardware anywhere else. Why get more complicated? Lenny Kravitz, what were you thinking!? Um ... wait, music man ... I probably don't need to know.
Photo: Today's Parent
So now it's your turn to share some popular and concrete things you hate and why. And feel free to agree or disagree with me. Be honest, but kind, and have fun with it.

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