Thursday, December 17, 2015

Kohl's Is A Department Store For Savvy Shoppers

I'm a big fan of a major department store. Stepping inside of Kohl's is enough to make a Savvy Shopper swoon. The stock is huge! Everything you could possibly need or want is spread out and organized throughout the various departments of the store. 

How do the store's staff buyers do it? Certainly, Kohl's is well-stocked. Variety and choice galore. Usually you can find exactly what you need since there are many dresses, or dishes, or shaving kits, or bookshelves to consider. You can zero in on the style, size, color and price that's right for you.

When I buy something, I look for value (quality vs price). Owning mass produced things doesn't bother me in the least. Truthfully, once I bring a rug into my apartment, or put a dress on my body, it becomes unique. Inevitably, I style it differently than will the next person. I want pretty, well-made and coordinated, but buying one-of-a-kind isn't really a priority.

Kohl's offers spectacular savings. As a major retailer, they have the clout to buy large inventories of stuff so they can offer customers competitive prices. And because they want to keep inventory fresh and moving, there are always sales at 20%-50%-70% off. I love it!

Finally, I am not overwhelmed by the largeness of a major department store. On most shopping trips, a customer is looking for one or two specific items, like a new pair of shoes, or a couch. So walk into the store with a plan: Go to the shoe and furniture departments, not the other square feet of store. (First things first. Get what you came for done! You can browse in other departments after your real purpose is met, if you desire.)

If you are a last minute shopper, Kohl's is perfect for finding a fantastic gift at a reasonable price. Shop in the brick-and-mortar store(s), or online. But if you're still scratching your head over what to buy as a Christmas present, two words of advice: gift certificates. Your giftees are sure to get something they like, if they select it themselves.
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Macy's Is Getting A Facelift
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  1. I love the department stores in America, which are always so much better stocked than ours in Australia. The difference in population is probably the reason for this. Have never heard of Kolhs, but if I ever see one, I will pop in :)

    1. Oh Trisha, you are my kind of gal! I'd be right behind you.

      When I came to live in NYC, the closest thing I found to what I was familiar with growing up was Macy's. I love Macy's! While it does sell expensive designer clothing, it also offers lots of affordable, well-made clothing for those us who don't walk across a stage to collect awards.

      I live closer to Bloomingdales, but have never bought more than accessories there. It's a good thing, Macy's isn't in my neighborhood. I can always find outfits there at great prices. All I have to do is walk in the door!

  2. Retail analyst Bert Flickinger, who is on WCBS AM radio (good for putting insomniacs back to sleep), was saying that Kohls will be open 24 x7 from now (this is Dec 20 when I am posting it) through Christmas. Macy's, a sometime subject of TheSavvvyShopper, will be open every day until 2am, according to this report.

    On a personal note, just being open is a way to get sales. Yesterday, I was at Penn Station around 8-45am, got in early for an event starting at 9-30am so I decided to go shopping during the interim. Fragrances were on the list. Perfumania, right in Penn Station, was not open, so I walked across the street to Macy's, which was open, and they got the sale!

    1. Good for some Christmas shoppers, but I have sympathy for the employees who are asked to work these hours. As a customer, I will gladly plan around a humame work schedule for all employees. People before things. I can only hope some employees are making some extra cash to benefit their families. :)

      Thanks for the info, Barry!
