Chanel - cow's (caviar) leather. Also comes in lambskin. |
The Chanel classic flap bag increased another 16% in 2023. The medium flap bag now sells for $10,200, up from $8,800 earlier this year.
1) Karl Lagerfeld |
2) Karl Lagerfeld; 3) Coach -- unlinked but easy to google by name. Oh, the Coach is gorgeous!
Although I still love the style of Chanel's classic flap bag, I won't be spending $10,200 to own one. That sum is insane and absolutely not a good investment! IMHO, Chanel's unrelenting, frequent price raises are gauging its customers, and I no longer can judge anyone for buying Chanel illegal replicas. But if you, like me, are of the mind that two wrongs don't make a right, there are many legally inspired classic Chanel flap leather bags on the market, and it's where personally, I'd turn. We can find a similar effect at a fair and reasonable price. {Plus there are many faux leather-inspired Chanel flap bags for even less money. They'll wear out sooner than real leather but are cheap enough to get your money's worth if you have to rebuy them.}
Throughout today's blog are Chanel-inspired leather flap bags. While they are not replicas -- fakes designed to fool people into thinking they are real Chanel bags, they are inspired and legal to give you a classic Chanel vibe for at least $9,700 less. Unlike Chanel, these inspired bags periodically go on sale for further reductions. You keep "the insane" difference of your own money for your benefit instead of forking it over to Chanel. Here's one I bought from Coach Outlet. |
Yes, there's a degree of compromise in looks; and depending on price (over $100, or under $100), the interior lining of an inspired bag may or may not be leather. But golly, consider this: With the latest price hike, an authentic Chanel flap bag buys 3 - 11 live dairy cows!
Isn't it time to say no to retailers you love, who don't love you back? Plus reports are leaking that Chanel isn't passing its HUGE profits on to its factory workers, who also must get permission to talk to one another while they work and don't get paid when they show up for work on a day Chanel experiences a supply problem.
As longtime readers know 99% of my blogs are positive with tips on what to buy, in lieu of what not to buy, or panning retailers, but when pricing gets ridiculous with no regard for customers or employees, we must speak up! When business practices aren't fair for EVERYONE involved, buyers can just say no.
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