Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Wisdom Of Thanksgiving

Photo: Simonton
The following ... turkey images and Thanksgiving quotes are pinched from the internet. Go to their sources here and here for more. Visit some of my Thanksgiving blogs of the past for Thanksgiving reflections. The wise sayings and breeds of turkeys I selected below are more lighthearted fare:

Know that I can only eat a store-bought turkey. Any creature I were to feed and raise becomes a pet. I mean, you take care of the bird, acquire it as a chick, worry about it being warm, and it trusts you not to harm it, right?
In the 2nd grade, I got to take home our classroom's on-display dried tri-colored ear of corn, which thrilled 7-year-old Debbie to death! The adult Debbie realizes that our 2nd-grade teacher must have bought the colorful ears of corn with her own money and is grateful for all that teachers do for their students. I kept the ear of corn for years.
These turkeys look like an old married couple walking home.
And what is this crowd of feathered friends staring at? Are they lining up to feed, or waiting for a concert in a field to start? :)
I just know these 3 birds on the left are gagster turkeys. Look how they're taking over the walkway, not making room for pedestrians to pass! Watch it, boys, I didn't know you as chicks, and an attack will give me a ferocious appetite for turkey pot pies!

Are you watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade followed by the National Dog Show? I have seen the parade standing on the sidewalk (on Central Park West at W75th Street) and from a highrise (on Broadway at W53rd Street paired with refreshments), so nowadays I'm satisfied watching it on television while having breakfast. It's become a Thanksgiving tradition. BTW: The night before Thanksgiving, you can watch the balloons being blown up on West 77th Street. I've done so twice. Years ago, it was unorganized, but over time it has grown to attract more people.
🍁Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!旅


  1. Was in Midtown on the afternoon- evening of Thanksgiving Day. There was a big crowd in vicinity of Macy's but the good news was that streets were still closed so easy breezy walking around to/ from various eating/ drinking spots.

    1. Thanks Barry, for letting me know you accidentally posted as Anon, there's no way for me to add your name, so I'll just say howdy! Glad you had easy time on 34th Street.
