Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Surprisingly Effective Hair Tamers

I'm wearing my hair longer than usual. Penny, my longtime hairstylist retired, and I've been slow in finding a new hairstylist. Luckily the Rapunzel hair trend is on! You don't get the bounciness of should-length hair, yet longer hair is easy to care for requiring just a tad of extra conditioning to maintain its health. 

Years ago I stopped buying special hair smoothers to tame my hair. Often the additional products left an undesirable stickiness, stiffness, or residue without really improving my hair. You do need a good hair conditioner after shampooing ... and on days I style my hair with the hot air of a blow dryer, I also spray on Tresemme Thermal Heat Protectant which leaves strains clean.

So what do you use to slick down those flyaways?

Two surprisingly effective hair tamers are, in fact, skin moisturizers that are not marketed as hair treatments. But when used in moderation they do an excellent job of calming frizzies while leaving your locks of hair clean. I use them every morning after showering.

1) CeraVe Moisturizing Cream (with hyaluronic acid and ceramides). Why it works on hair: It's light, oil-free, and fragrance-free. By dabbing a dime-sized amount on the ends of my hair, the cream combats dryness. It also reverses the negative charge in your hair that causes flyaways and frizzies.

2) Body Oil - Try coconut oil, baby oil, or any light oil you use to lock moisture into your skin after showering. Why it works on hair: It's heavier than a strain of hair. I use just the residue left on my hands after putting it on my skin. A little goes a long way. Avoid your scalp and focus on the middle and ends of your hair. Don't use more than a tiny amount ... or you'll weigh down your hair for a greasy unwashed look.

If you think about it, the ingredients that go into moisturizing your skin are many of the same ingredients that go into products that tame your hair, namely water and conditioners. You can simplify your life by finding effective personal care products that multi-task for your skin, hair, and nails! Skin moisturizers are cheaper than hair moisturizers and come in larger sizes also.

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Taaffeite Is A Rare Gemstone

Taaffeite is one of the rarest gemstones in the world. It was first discovered as an already cut, polished, and misidentified "spinel" in a Dublin, Ireland jewelry shop by gemologist, Richard Taaffe who bought a cluster of gems in October 1945.

Taaffe noticed some inconsistencies in his "spinel" and sent a sample of the stone off to a London lab which in 1951 verified that its main components were beryllium, magnesium, and aluminum, making the hexagon crystal a newly found mineral later named taaffeite (BeMg3Al18O16).

Unlike spinel, which is only singly refractive (like diamonds and garnets)Taaffeite is doubly refractive (it blends and reflects light in all directions). Taaffeite is a transparent gemstone with a vitreous shine (like glass in appearance or physical properties).

This beryl forms in carbonate rocks in Sri Lanka and Southern Tanzania (alongside the gemstones fluorite, mica, spinel, and tourmaline). Some poor-quality taaffeite has also been discovered in China. 

Because of its rarity, taaffeite is only used as a gemstone. Registering an 8 - 8.5 on Moh's Scale of Hardness, the jewel comes in colorless, violet red, pink violet, red, light green, and mauve. Taaffeite costs an average of $1,500 - $2,500 per carat, although top-grade taaffeite can fetch $35,000 per carat. The best quality taaffeite gets bought quickly. Pink is the rarest and most expensive color.

This beryllium-magnesium-aluminum-oxide mineral is clean of inclusions, and the red is gorgeous. Imagine ... a jewelry lover wearing it would bling all over the place!

Have you ever heard of taaffeites?

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Friday, May 31, 2024

Why Aren't Soap Dishes Designed Better?

Although I use rose-scented liquid soap to wash my hands, I like bars of soap too. I have yet to find a soap dish that keeps the soap from becoming a soft, soggy mess. The top wire dish would keep the soap from resting in a puddle of water, yes, but while drying, moisture would drip leaving a mess below, no?

Does the slant (↑to the left) make this the perfect soap dish? Again, where does the drip land? I have a soap dish similar to the one on the right, and it's functional.

I also have 2 soap dishes like the style to the right ↗. They work well enough, but why hasn't anyone come up with a better design than what's on the market? A design where soap scum doesn't accumulate in the soap dish?
This last red crab soap dish is so darn cute. Available on Amazon and Home Depot, but, it won't do the job any better than the others. 

Alas, we need a soap dish innovation soon! Meanwhile, will you settle for cute?  A fish, duck, or crab holding up your soap?

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Poison Ivy Is My Enemy

One of the many things I love about living in Manhattan is I'm never exposed to poison ivy. Not so in the suburbs. I've read that birds eat it and then spread it throughout a neighborhood. Do these 3-leaf plants, so vibrantly green, look evil to you?

Over the weekend I helped my mother weed her yard. I put on garden gloves and after working in her yard, I came into the house to wash my hands and arms up to my elbows with soap and water. I also dabbed on 70% alcohol and still got poison ivy. I was very careful and don't remember any plants touching my legs. Well, they got me!

The poison ivy rash is caused by an allergic reaction to urushiol oil, which is found in the leaves, stems, and roots of poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. It only takes a small amount, the size of a grain of table salt to cause an allergic reaction in 85% - 90% of people. 10% - 15% of people are not allergic to urushiol oil.

Urushiol oil can remain potent on clothes and any objects it comes in contact with for as long as five years. Experts say wash contaminated clothes with regular detergent or bleach separately from other laundry in hot water and clean surfaces with disinfecting cloths. Don't touch the side of the cloth you have used to wipe a surface. Also, give your dog a bath wearing gloves if he's out in poison ivy. He'll be spared, but you'll get poison ivy if you touch the urushiol resin on his fur.

A poison ivy rash takes 3 - 4 weeks to heal. The itching is intense. New blisters can appear for up to 2 weeks, first in areas with the most exposure and later in areas with the least exposure [see Prevention]. Frankly, nothing takes away the itch of poison ivy, though you can ease it some by keeping the affected area moist. I use body moisturizers and body oils. I apply Noxema, Cetaphil, CeraVe, and baby oil. I haven't found any special products that do anymore to promote healing or relief from the itching. The secret ingredient is t-i-m-e!

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Plantar Fasciitis Relief Shoe Insoles

The pain of plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation after tiny tears occur in the plantar fascia, the tissue that connects our heels to our toes. These tiny tears are very painful and slow to heal.

Suddenly in November 2023, I  could barely walk! One day I walked without pain, the next day I limped!! Plantar fasciitis had developed in my right foot. Friends and friends of friends who also have the condition have gotten better. So I tried to make myself better. I pulled out a pair of custom orthotics a podiatrist had made for me years earlier which were so chunky I couldn't fit them into ANY of my leather shoes. They lay dormant collecting dust. I started wearing them in my cloth houseshoes around the house. The practice worked as long as I didn't leave the house.

So I began looking for orthotic insoles much like custom orthotic insoles that would fit into my shoes to wear outside of my home on city pavement.  

The following are 2 brands of orthotic insoles that ease pain and fit into my shoes. I'm listing them in the order of which I wear the most:

1) Samurai Insoles Ninjas Plantar Fasciitis Relief Arch Support Shoe Insoles - The insole was designed by Dr. Tom Lembo, a board-certified podiatrist. It supports my arches and absorbs shock by having a bit of bounce when my feet hit the concrete. They are 3/4 length and made of durable polypropylene (hard plastic), so they won't smell, get wet, or wear out. They go under the factory insoles of a pair of shoes if removable, otherwise, just insert them inside your shoes. These are slim and will fit into your narrower shoes.

2) PCSsole’s 3/4 Orthotics Shoe Insoles High Arch Supports Shoe Insoles for Plantar Fasciitis - The 2nd option of insoles is hard like super expensive custom orthoticsA 3.5 cm (1.38 inch) EVA high arch provides arch support to reduce the pressure on the heel. More similar in structure to custom-made orthotics than insole #1, wearing these insoles takes some getting used to before they feel comfortable. Wider than insole #1, they fit in sneakers and most shoes, and are as effective as my custom orthotics.

Although not completely pain-free, I can now walk again. The pain is less intense which I hope means my plantar fasciitis is healing. I suspect I'll need to wear orthotic insoles for the rest of my life.

For sure, if you develop plantar fasciitis, you need to find orthotics that are several grades above $10 drugstore orthotics. Also, I can't say based on personal experience that custom-made orthotics do a better job. Non-custom orthotics have come a long way in recent years! I'd recommend spending $29 on non-custom orthotics to see if they alleviate your pain before ordering $300 custom orthotics since custom orthotics may not give you more support or relief. You'll also need more than one pair unless you want the inconvenience of removing them each time you change shoes.

Moreover, I've seen custom orthotics you can buy by pressing your feet into a mold outside of visiting a podiatrist, which I think is a waste of money. If you're spending $100 - $200 a pair anyway, get yourself to a podiatrist!

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Monday, May 27, 2024

Which Length Of Shorts Are You?

All photos and shorts courtesy of Land's End - 5" shorts
The length of shorts reminds me of The Three Bears story. Different heights for different likes. Depending on stature, weight, age, and preferences, one length may be too long, another too short, and still another just right. 

3" shorts
Nowadays I favor 5" shorts as just right. 5" shorts are forgiving and versatile. If you show too much skin, leg, and flesh, you can't wear your shorts everywhere ... certainly not sightseeing in Rome if you expect to enter St. Peter's Basilica. 

8" shorts
I'm not sure I like 8" shorts, although at 5' 7'' I'm tall enough to wear them. Shorts should not look like grandma's bloomers and you want to keep cool in hot, humid August. A try-on would settle it.

9" shorts
Certainly, you don't want your shorts 
too tight or too loose either as they'll look like they don't fit. Too wide and they'll look frumpy, and if the rear doesn't fit, Fuhgeddaboudit!   

Which length of shorts are you?

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Tools To Remove Dental Plaque At Home

Lately, I'm seeing portable electric dental plaque removers for sale to use at home. They catch my attention since taking care of my teeth is a priority. I'd sell all my worldly possessions to save my teeth!

As it turns out, using an electric dental plaque remover at home is a bad idea for several reasons that cause harm. If plaque removers claim to be safe, they likely are doing a poor job of removing plaque. A buildup of plaque can harden into dental tartar. If left untreated, this can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Here's how it happens: Plaque produces acids that feed on sugar and break down tooth enamel resulting in tooth decay. Enzymes in bacteria also damage connective gum tissue and bone leading to periodontal disease.

For good oral health, it's vital to remove plaque between teeth. The tools used to remove the buildup of plaque are metal and ultrasonic scrapers that have dangerously sharp points. Dentists and dental hygienists have been trained in dental scraping to remove every bit of plaque and tartar from your tooth surface and under your gums safely. Without proper training in using these dental tools, we could damage our delicate gum tissue. (In the image above, the black electric plaque remover doesn't have a point, it uses thread, but how does the electric device help? In fact, the greater power in moving the thread might hurt your gums.) Gum tissue trauma can cause gum recession, pain from exposing a tooth's root, and scratching tooth enamel to cause tooth sensitivity. Without dental training, you might also "push tartar under your gumline causing gum abscesses."

I don't know about you, but I'm not going near those electric $39.99+ at-home dental plaque removers! They're either inadequate or unsafe as we're not trained to use them.

While we'll still need to visit our dentist twice a year for professional teeth cleanings, we can use 4 tools at home to help remove plaque safely before it hardens into tartar:

1) A soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride. Brush twice a day to clean teeth and remove plaque.
2) Interdental Cleaners such as dental floss, dental tape, or interdental brushes. Floss once a day.

3) An electric water flosser (uses water not a sharp point). Again floss once a day.

4) Antibacterial Plaque-Reducing Mouthwash. Rinse daily.

Flossing with thread dental floss (the string type you place between your fingers) is the most thorough method of removing plaque, but many of us hate doing it, so instead I use the 2nd best method, a water flosser every morning. It's better to floss every day with a water flosser than not to floss every day because you hate the most effective method. Nobody's perfect! :)

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Expensive Things At T.J. Maxx

Gucci - Diamond 18K Gold Flora Ring 

Savvy Shoppers love T.J. Maxx where you get great value for the money. Up to now, I've shown you some of the bargains and steals I've acquired from my favored budget-friendly retailer. But as it turns out there is plenty of high-end merchandise for customers with deep pockets too. Some top luxury brands sold at TJM are "shy"  and aren't searchable or linkable on its website. You must scroll to find them. Here are several expensive examples you may be surprised to find at TJM available right now:

3) Designer Makeup and Skin Care - Jimmy Choo Satin Lipstick and La Prairie Skin Caviar Nighttime Oil.

4) Designer Sunglasses - Balenciaga (left) and Gucci (right).

5) Fine leather goods - BICS luggage and Chloe handbag.
6. Off the Runway Designer Clothes and shoes, with names too numerous to mention - One example is a Dress the Population Long Sleeve Sequin Dress.
7. Home Goods and cookery - Also too numerous to mention like this All-Clad aluminum skillet.

Frankly, I've passed on buying luxury labels (such as Valentino and Chloe bags and shoes, or designer skincare) just because I don't especially long to own them ... not that I'm against the brands per se. At TJM luxury brands are discounted yet can still cost 100s or 1000s of dollars when the brand's price points are high at full retail. Only buy them because you want them, not because of their tempting reductions. Personally, I'm happy with my leather Coach bags, Mundi wallets, and Neutrogena skincare, which TJM also carries for less. Also, I've purchased top-notch goods manufactured in Korea, Australia, and Europe. Today's blog illustrates how vast TJM's inventory is. Not knowing what you'll find is part of the fun of shopping there!

Chances are excellent you'll discover "new" brands in your price range, or get a pricey item at a steal!

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