Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year 2023

Photo: Wine In Black

Well, another New Year to usher in! Wishing you a year of growth and opportunities with warm, fruitful, and enchanting encounters. Meanwhile, life is 100% better with sparkle in it ...
All the following photos and merchandise are courtesy of Macy's (unsponsored).

The Year

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850 - 1919)

What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That’s not been said a thousand times?

The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.

We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.

We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.

We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our brides, we sheet our dead.

We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that’s the burden of a year.

In life there is always another side. Everything has an opposite: good and bad, light and dark, pleasure and pain, savvy and naive, satisfying and exasperating, exhilarating and boring, up and down, etc, etc. We will encounter each one. As we move through the decades of our lives strive to remember there is always another side.

Forward kindness in 2023, and Happy New Year!๐ŸŽ‰

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Vivienne Westwood Three Row Pearl Bas Relief Choker

The Vivienne Westword Three Row Pearl Bas Relief Choker which first appeared in 1990 has made a HUGE comeback. Inspired by royalty and selling for $610 on the designer's website, it's what every fashionista wanted for Christmas this year ... unless she already had one!
For sure, it's a beautiful piece of costume jewelry with silver-tone or gold-tone plating over brass with 3 rows of hand-knotted Swarovski synthetic pearls that come together at a beaded clasp in the back.
As longtime readers know well, I don't think costume jewelry is where you want to spend $610, but if you apply yourself, you'll find the coveted necklace for much less by searching the internet. Due to buyer regret, I see the real thing listed for $66, $129, and $143 on various resale websites ... and a quality Esty dupe for $45 here. I'm not linking the pre-loved offerings since by the time you read this blog the necklaces will likely be gone. Just do a Google search to see what's currently available
This is a lovely chocker selling for too much money. You can get fine jewelry with real 14k gold and freshwater pearls for the price of this costume piece. But a 2nd-hand, dupe, or inspired chocker is easy to find for much less! IMHO $45 + tax isn't cheap either for costume jewelry -- but it is less money. Yep, sometimes designer costume jewelry makes no logical sense, and many of us have been there fancying a look.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Gemstone Hardness Verses Toughness

Photo: Effy necklace, bracelet, and earrings from Macy's and the ring from Istdibs

When jewelry lovers select gemstones for everyday wear they usually think of diamonds for their hardness, but hardness is only half of the gemstone durability story.

Gemstone durability is a combination of hardness and toughness. Hardness refers to the surface strength of a stone to resist scratching. Harder stones can scratch softer stones. A diamond can scratch a sapphire, ruby, emerald, topaz, and on down the line of Moh's Hardness Scale. Only another diamond can scratch a diamond.
But while hard, a diamond isn't tough, it's brittle and will chip, crack, or shatter if abused. It's why you should remove your rings while working with your hands. Although diamonds, a 10 on Moh's Hardness Scale is 4 times harder than sapphires, a 9, sapphires are tougher than diamonds, and it takes a greater force to shatter them.

Toughness refers to the inner strength of a gemstone to resist breakage under force or stress. A diamond is brittle due to its perfect cleavage, which is an atomic structure that runs parallel making the bonds between its planes weaker than gemstones with less parallel, or imperfect cleavage. Certain softer gemstones are tougher than diamonds, meaning less brittle and more difficult to break apart with blows or force.

So what's the toughest gemstone? There are picture clues.๐Ÿ˜ It's jade. Geologists have a saying, " Jade (rating  6 - 7 in hardness) can't scratch a diamond, but jade can break a diamond."

Jade is the national gemstone of Japan and is popular in many Asian cultures. For over 5,000 years jade has been fashioned into tools, sculptures, and jewelry. Originally jade was thought to be one mineral but in 1863, Frenchman Alexis Damour established that jade was in fact, 2 minerals, either jadeite 
(Na(Al, Fe3+)Si2O6or nephrite (Ca2(MgFe5Si8O22(OH)2). Jadeite is an aluminum-rich pyroxene while nephrite is a magnesium-rich amphibole. To the human eye, however, they are difficult (though not impossible for an expert) to tell apart.

Jadeite (at 6.5 - 7) is slightly harder than nephrite (at 6 - 6.5) and is in greater demand in Asian countries. Not only is Jadeite jade harder, but denser and easier to work with and polish into a shine. Sometimes jewelers dye jade but over time the dye can fade.
Photo: Sotheby's
Burma (now called Myanmar) produces jadeite, the most sought-after type of jade in Asian countries. 
Jadeite's most valued color is emerald green, but other colors include black, white, red, yellow, blue, purple, pink, grey, brown, and orange. The finest quality jadeite jade is pure green with high transparency and shine called imperial jade. Other prized jade is kingfisher jade — only slightly less intense than imperial jade; apple jade — a vivid yellow-green; and moss-in-snow jade — "translucent white with bright green veining, patches, or spots," according to The Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Stronger than pearls and diamonds, jade is toughhh... pretty... and much of it affordable. Especially wearable on Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, and in the spring! Alas, I don't own jade. How about you?

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Saturday, December 24, 2022

Peace, Love & Joy!

The Adoration of the Shepherds, c.1650, Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain - Images 1 and 2 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Some people get upset if the historical accuracy of Jesus' birth is questioned, but when the Gospels were written, the people they were written for had a different sensibility and way of reading texts than we do today. Gospel writers crafted their stories to make points about who they thought Jesus was [to paraphrase Matt Baker, Ph.D. in theology]. Modern scholars tell us that fact-for-fact-accuracy or historical record was secondary, which was accepted by the audience, who didn't expect factual reliability. This can rattle some contemporary believers who do.

Bartolome Esteban Murillo (1618 - 1682) was a Baroque Spanish painter. Orphaned at 11 years old, the artist became a ward of his older sister and brother-in-law, in a close-net family, and lived with them until he married in 1647. The painter, famous for his religious work, also painted everyday life giving us an insight into the 17th century. He was the father of 10 children. 

The Holy Family, c.1660-70, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Murillo created warm images of Mary and Joseph playing with their happy baby, the man Catholics proclaim as fully human and fully Devine (a hypostatic union in the incarnation). The painter left us with depictions of the Holy Family as a close-net loving unit. St. Joseph is an appealing devoted father.๐Ÿ˜

Here's a Victorian drawing of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and 5 of their 9 children surrounding their Christmas tree at Windsor Castle where the royal family celebrated Christmas. Prince Albert was also known to be a loving, involved father, adored by his children. The Prince Consort popularized Christmas trees in Great Britain, a tradition he brought from his native Germany. Unlike Prince Albert, Queen Victoria was not a natural parent, but she was a mother who loved her children and they loved her. She put a ton of time into raising them, and they grew into 9 decent adults. Let's look at one of the royal couple's homes ...

The 2022 Christmas trees are up at Osborne on the Isle of Wight which Queen Victoria and Prince Albert bought as a private home in 1845 to get away with their brood from court life. Queen Victoria used Osborne House for 50 years to entertain family, foreign royals (many were also family), as well as, government ministers. After Prince Albert's early death in 1861, it became her favorite home. Her son, King Edward VII, wasn't as fond of it (as it was far from London) and after his mother's death, donated the Osborne estate to the British people. It is open to the public for tours, giving us a glimpse into the private lives of Queen Victoria and her family.

Another longtime Christmas tradition is (of course!) baking cookies. My family bakes the same cookies every year and I posted some of the recipes previously. Pictured above you see (in order): Pecan cookies๐Ÿ‘‡, Russian Tea Cakes, Coconut Macrarooms, and Scottish Short Bread. Other varieties of cookies are scattered throughout THE SAVVY SHOPPER. My mother always requests that I make Mini Pecan Tassies and she always makes butter cookies at Christmas and Easter. Golly, decorating cookies after pulling them from the oven is not my thing! Starting over is a hassle!! Eating is my next step (which now you know is the reason I bake Scottish Short Bread instead of butter/sugar cookies.:) 

(Here is our recipe for) Pecan Cookies ๐Ÿซ


20 ounces ground pecans
4 large egg yolks
1/2 - 3/4 cup sugar (you decide how sweet)
a sprinkle of cinnamon

Optional: A little flour for your hands to help form the cookies.


1) Using a fork mix the ingredients in a bowl.

2) Dip your hands in all-purpose flour to help form the cookies and drop in a parchment paper lined, or greased cookie sheet. If your cookie dough is too wet to handle, just add additional ground nuts (a tad more sugar for the addition) until you can handle the cookie dough.

3) Bake for 10 - 12 minutes in a preheated 350-degree F oven and remove to cool.

We always make pecan cookies and coconut macaroons at the same time since the former requires egg yolks while the latter, egg whites.

Photo: Macy's
My Dear Readers ... thank you for spending another year with me, and I welcome you who joined us recently. Here we're one global human family sharing our collective knowledge, humor, interests, tips, and holidays with acceptance of all cultures. I can't do it alone, so bring your uniqueness! Everybody is valued on THE SAVVY SHOPPER, and I love hearing from you!๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Look Great And Classic In Spanx

Holiday sweets can make a body thankful for the invention of Spanx!๐Ÿช๐Ÿซ๐Ÿฌ

Spanx was launched in 2000 by Sara Blakely with the aim of making women look and feel their slender best. Many people know that Spanx, the company, makes underwear and foundation garments to slim a silhouette, but they may not realize Spanx also produces male underwear, as well as, women's dresses, blazers, and trousers.

What's more, you never have to dry clean the attire. That's right! The blazers, pants, and dresses are machine washable!!

Although not exactly cheap, the stylish and shapely collection is sold at all major department stores including Macy's Bloomingdales, Saks, Kohls, Nordstrom, and Neiman Marcus --where it goes on sale from time to time. When it does, as much as I like the leggings which elongate the legs, at $89 they aren't what I'd spend my money on, but I think the business pants, blazers and dresses are a good investment. They look tailored and well made, plus you save on dry cleaning bills.

Wow, these trousers are gorgeous! They come in straight; flare; or wide legs; and are articles we tend to wear and hold onto for years.

I'd opt to save, not splurge on activewear, but would be on the look out and grab any Spanx leggings, t-shirts, or shorts that end up at T.J. Maxx, or go on sale at the major department stores. Without a doubt, Spanx is a quality brand to buy when the price is right!

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Monday, December 19, 2022

Should You Or Should You Not Buy Your Boss A Holiday Gift?

In the workplace sometimes a boss gives gifts to his/her staffers in appreciation for all their hard work. But as a general rule, an employee shouldn't buy his/her boss a holiday gift.๐ŸŽ 

In the US, buying bosses presents is not common, nor expected, and sometimes frowned upon. No matter how much you like your boss, never forget your connection is primarily a business relationship, and you are the subordinate. In certain industries or positions, it could be interpreted as courting favor or a bride, especially if somebody at work is out to get you down the line. 
Companies worry about appearances and so should you. Sometimes corporate policies forbid it. You also want to avoid embarrassing your boss or causing other employees who live paycheck-to-paycheck discomfort by setting a precedent. What's more, I dislike the idea of asking everyone to chip in for a group gift for bosses because of the possibility of someone feeling pressure who can't afford it. If the office has petty cash available, it's fine to get approval for a group gift for the boss, but a better alternative is to get cookies, candies, or refreshments everyone in the department can partake in to build comradery.๐ŸŽถ

Feel free to give your boss a holiday card with a festive note you took time to write but it's also dicey unless one of you is leaving or you write a number of notes to a number of other employees too. I might share my homemade Christmas cookies, or if we have an especially good rapport, give a cute Christmas ornament costing around $10 (taking advantage of those early sales). It's a nice gesture for a boss who gives staff gifts but makes a big salary so s/he in no way needs a gift from a junior employee. Once I had a crafty assistant make me a handmade Christmas ornament, which was so thoughtful, time-consuming, and adorable I still have it years later.

You might also bend the rule if you work freelance and have a long-term, friendly, trusting relationship with no co-workers, office politics or misinterpretation to worry about. But even then good homemade cookies, candies, a craft, or just an inexpensive token gift with a lovely card is safer and gets the job done with aplomb.๐Ÿ””

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Friday, December 16, 2022

Little Sky Stone For Last Minute Gifts

If you're looking for a last-minute gift for your bestie, a well-liked neighbor, or perhaps your cousin who's always got your back, why not give something that will last and not fade away after the holidays? Glut mindless shopping is so yesterday! One thoughtful, well-chosen gift is all you really need for the people in your life.

Little Sky Stone makes artesian, one-of-a-kind jewelry in sterling silver, 14k gold-plated, and 14k gold-filled metals with dainty genuine stones including opal, turquoise, emerald, garnet, citrine, amethyst, pearl, sapphire and druzy. (Druzy quartz is made up of tiny crystals that form on the surface of a stone.)

IMHO, customers aren't getting a super deal, but everyday earrings, rings, bracelets, and necklaces at reasonable and fair prices. Not great big stones, yet pretty little things with good design ... very appropriate and winning keepsakes for a bestie, a cousin, or a well-liked neighbor whose face you want to put a smile on and to say thanks for being you! 

Moreover, with gift-giving be equally good to yourself by considering your budget. With Little Sky Stone's lovely collection of unique artesian jewelry, there's truly no need to go into debt to spread some holiday cheer.