What gets spent on Christmas gifts can vary from year to year depending on what we need. What's more, I'm too practical to buy, or ask for useless gifts. (Well, if something dippy brings happiness, it's worth the price of the gift. But I tend not to have a frivolous gift dilemma as my loved ones are thrifty like me.) We want stuff we can use!
This year was a modest Christmas as far as the cost of gifts go. Nonetheless, I ♥love♥ my gifts! Here are several:
1) Chanel-Inspired Purse from Ainifeel ↑ - a lambskin, Chanel inspired double flap bag (which I featured earlier) - This is not a replica, but an inspired (or dupe) of the $5,700 bag. It doesn't have a fake Chanel logo, and it is not illegal to sell. The price of the real Chanel bag goes up by hundreds of dollars every year, and I don't wish to spend such a sum on an article, whose every wear and tear would bother me. I can accept wear and tear on a bag that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. This inspired purse can be replaced 49 times for the price of the original! Like the authentic designer bag, the leather is smooth, the stitching is lovely, and the Chanel vibe is there. Look for it draped over my shoulder.
(Update: You now must google key words to find the seller, as they no longer sell on Amazon. Also google the words "Chanel inspired bag." Btw: Chanel has initiated a lawsuit to stop even resale companies like the RealReal from selling their bags, which so far they have lost. "Exclusivity" is a key element of brands like Chanel and Hermes, but in reality women who buy 2nd hand and inspired bags are not lost to Chanel. Some will buy one in the future. Others are never going to pay over $6,000 for a bag ever. Inspired goods flourish in the fashion world. Even Karl Lagerfeld sells a Chanel inspired bag under his own name. The difference in costs between "inspired" (minus logo) and "geniune " is so wide, is Chanel truly losing sales? The legal ruling given against Chanel is: Once customers buy an item, it's theirs (they own it) to resale, or use it how they wish.)
3) Two Coffee Talk Mugs from Pier 1 - Big enough to microwave single serve mug cakes, which I plan to start making in lieu of baking 9" cakes. These 18-ounce, stoneware mugs can go into a microwave. I like drinking coffee out of them also!
4) Uniqlo's Women Pocketable Parka and 5) Heattech Knitted Gloves - Both are on sale! The parka is travel-friendly, yet keeps you warm as a top layer when needed. The gloves have Uniqlo's unique heattech yarns to keep hands warm. I didn't get them in white, but want you to see the Touch-Screen function that lets you operate a phone or bank screen without taking off your gloves.
7) Metropolitan Museum of Art Notecards - This was a wonderful surprise gift from a friend, who I know didn't read my blog on Gotham City-themed gifts! Note cards are an item adults can always use. Any of the Met's selections would do, but my friends will enjoy seeing the sites of New York City. For sure, My Gift-Giver has a 6th sense for choosing the perfect gift!
As you can see, a good gift makes your life better, happier or easier regardless of price ... not because of price.
What was your favorite gift this year?
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