Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Skinfood Beauty Line

Gold Caviar for anti-aging
Skinfood is a skin care, hair care and cosmetic line that uses the highest quality food, such as black sugar, royal honey, egg white, avocado, peach sake, yuja and gold caviar to create its products.

The company buys food from organic farms around the globe, which utilizes eco-friendly and sustainable growing methods, then formulates powerful food-based skin care, hair care and makeup.

Address specific skin concerns like acne, dryness, redness or anti-aging with a variety of special face serums and creams; or add an Argon Oil Serum to repair and condition your hair. The focus is "on long-term beauty, not short lived results." 

The cost of items start at $5 and go up. With promotions, prices are reasonable for clean, top-notch ingredients. It's another winning brand to get to know. Makes terrific gifts; and choice is a Savvy Shopper's best friend!

Currently beauty editors are excited about Skinfood's limited edition Snoopy Collection, a collaboration with K-Beauty.
The Snoopy Collection

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Friday, May 5, 2017

Easy Low Fat Ice Cream

Photo: King Arthur's Flour
Nothing beats Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. The cold, slurpy scoops of goodness (2 scoops, one is never enough!) must be what Homer names ambrosia, the food of the gods. B & J's ice cream contains rich cream and loads of sugar, but undoubtedly, it is worth every single calorie. So delicious!

Well I cannot duplicate the results of the Ice Cream Masters, but what I like to do with my overripe bananas is make an, easy, refreshing, creamy, low fat ... and yes, healthy ice cream in a food processor.

When my bananas get too ripe to eat, I slice one up, place it into a container, or plastic seal bag and freeze it. When I feel like a dessert, I use it. If I slice 4 overripe bananas, I still freeze each one separately for single serves. Here's how I like to make and flavor the ice cream:

Quick Chocolate Moca Ice Cream

Ingredients (for one serving. You can double, or triple, etc. the servings):

1 sliced frozen banana
a tiny bit of milk (about 1 tablespoon)
1 tablespoon of cocao, cocoa or Dutch chocolate powder
A sprinkle of instant coffee (I use decaffeinated coffee for desserts. The coffee brings out the chocolate flavor.) 
1 teaspoon of sugar, or Stevia - or to taste (If you do not need the sweetener, more power to you!)

Photo: Brit & Co

Toss all the ingredients into a food processor. Pulse; then blend until smooth and creamy. Scoop into a bowl, or on top of a cone to eat.

You can also make a plain banana ice cream without the other ingredients, but I would get tired of only banana ice cream and much prefer chocolate-mocha ice cream. I have also tossed strawberries into the mixture in lieu of chocolate for banana-strawberry ice cream. You do need to start with frozen banana in order to achieve the ice cream consistency. (Other fruits sans a banana don't work as well, instead producing an icy texture.)

Keep the dessert simple, or get fancy by topping with syrup; chocolate shavings; shredded nuts; or coconut.  

Slurp away and enjoy!

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Papr Watch By Paprcuts

Geometric designs for the Papr Watch
Paprcuts, a Berlin start-up, was founded by Nils Wagner in 2012. The German company makes innovative, feather weight accessories, such as wallets, makeup bags and pouches.

Recently Paprcuts invented a trendy watch using the same material as in their other accessories. The material, which is called Tyvek®, derives from paper. Like regular paper, it is light-weight. Yet unlike ordinary paper, it is strong, durable and waterproof.
Animal designs
The new digital timepiece is called a Papr Watch, and it comes in 29 chic designs - from Retro, Maritime and Animal to Geometric and Black and White. Weighing less than a clove of garlic, there is a Papr Watch design to suit a variety of tastes.

A video (play it below) shows customers just how strong and durable the watch is by having two people tug the Papr Watch in opposite directions and tossing it into a glass of water. It does not break, or get ruined. Moreover, you get see how the watch wears on your arm.
Retro designs
The Papr Watch also glows in the dark, has an exchangeable battery, is nickel-free and sustainable. The band has a magnet closure.

What an innovative and unique watch! Are you tempted to buy one?

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

More Photos: Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany

Leopold and Helena forever😍

Since my blogs on Prince Leopold are popular (you never know which subjects will be a hit!), I will share a few more photos I love, but did not use in the 1st or 2nd post. In truth, I am touched by the Prince's personality and life story and now consider him my Victorian history pet. So if you find any rare photos of Leopold or his wife, Princess Helena, Duchess of Albany, send them my way!

I love the top left photo of Prince Leopold taken in 1875 at Oxford University by Alice In Wonderland's author, Lewis Carroll. Wearing a gorgeous suit and shoes, Prince Leopold is handsome in his cap and gown. It is my favorite college photo of him, despite initially posting one of the Prince standing and looking into the camera.

The top right shot of Leopold's wife, Helena (a/k/a Helen), is a bit washed out, but I like how she faces the camera looking like a lovely doll in her wedding attire. So often Victorians look off to the side, or stare at an object, such as a book, but she looks directly into the camera. Smiling in photos came later. At this time, it was thought to be a sign of insanity. Yikes!

Here are a few more images:
Prince Leopold with friends at Oxford
It took nearly a year of careful persuasion for Prince Leopold to convince his mother, Queen Victoria, to let him attend Oxford University. Had she refused, nobody could have overruled her. The Prince's Oxford years (1872-1876) were happy ones for him. 

As a prince, he lived in a house with a small staff: a gentleman's attendant and cook/housekeeper. Sometimes a doctor monitored his health. Victoria kept a close eye on him. He was allowed to throw small dinner parties (inviting sons of "respectable families"), which is probably what the above middle photos show.

Leopold embraced his studies; became president of the Chess Club; made life-long Oxford friends; and joined a musical group (the Victorian equivalent of a rock band, if you think about it.) In fact, he was a founding member of the Oxford University Music Club.🎷🎹🎻
Prince Leopold is the 4th man from the left. He was a gifted pianist, flutist, tenor singer and played other instruments. Obviously, bands wore off-beat, tousled grab even in his day!

The above left image is one of Leopold and Helen's engagement photos, taken in November 1881 in the Princess' German hometown. I think her casual posture shows her warm personality; and how rare in a Victorian photo for an engaged couple to be torso touching, no? (You never see it with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert even after having 9 children together!)

Again, I adore Prince Leopold's tailored clothes and beautiful shoes! A stylish couple, despite the corset high society women were required to wear! I have no idea how a woman sat down with a corset sticking out the back, nor why such an exaggerated bum-hump was considered flattering! But one can't judge another era with contemporary eyes.

The above right photo with their baby daughter, Alice, was taken in 1883. She was born 10 mouths after her parents April 27, 1882 wedding. Most Victorian couples had their 1st child within a year of marriage, since the only sure form of birth control was abstinence (and who wants to start a marriage practicing that?). Helen had 3 pregnancies [resulting in one miscarriage] in 23 months of their marriage, which was not unusual. Also, childbirth was dangerous even for royal women.

In Victorian times, it was vital to have children (boys in most European countries) in order to pass on titles and property. During an era when many children died of disease, people desired large families.
Here are Queen Victoria's 9 children as adults: Vicky (b. 1840), Bertie (b. 1841), Alice (b. 1843), Affie (b. 1844), Helena (b. 1846), Louise (b. 1848), Arthur (b. 1850), Leopold (b.1853) and Beatrice (b. 1857).

I'm enjoying reading about the Victorian era. Now I'm waiting on the arrival of a book called, How To Be A Victorian: A Dawn-To-Dusk Guide To Victorian Life, written by the historian, Ruth Goodman. But make no mistake, I don't wish to be a Victorian, only to learn about the era and how people lived at the time. 

There are lessons for us in submerging ourselves in history. Nonetheless, I'm too much of a diva ever to endure such harsh times. I need hot running water and indoor plumbing at all times. Also, keep your mitts off my blow dryer and spandex, mister

Now that women can vote, own property and earn money, there's no going back.

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Extra Photos: Prince Leopold, Duke Of Albany   
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Monday, April 24, 2017

Garnier Whole Blends Smoothing Shampoo And Conditioner Coconut Oil & Cocoa Butter Extracts

Weighing price, convenience and effectiveness, I lean towards organic personal care products; and when it makes sense, I will switch from drugstore brands to those products with cleaner, organic ingredients. In reality, it's difficult to go totally organic -- nevertheless, we can aim to reduce the amount of chemicals we use in our beauty products.

Most shampoos will clean your hair just fine, but the commericial hair conditioners still work better than any organic conditioner I have tried. Plus, the mass produced name brands of shampoos and conditions tend to be cheaper  than many organic brands. If you wash your hair every day, the costs can add up! Will it be pennies, or dollars you wash down the drain? Sometimes it's worth the extra cost, sometimes it is not.
Photo credit: Jacqui Writes
Shampoos are easy, but I always return to the drugstore brands of hair conditioners. Recently I tried Ganier Whole Blends Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner Coconut Oil & Cocoa Butter Extracts. Forumulated with South Pacific coconut oil and African cocoa butter extracts, the shampoo and condition tames and smooths hair. It has a clean, coconut scent and leaves a shine. Thankfully, both shampoo and conditioner are paraben-free and gentle for daily use.

While it is always wise to check ingredients, the great news is: Drugstores are responding to customer demands for better, safer ingredients. For the price, effectiveness and hair sans frizz, I recommend this new Garnier forumula. Try it, you will like it! 

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Introducing Lori's Shoes Of Chicago

Lori's Shoes Of Chicago is a fabulous find! Launced in 1983 in a vacant storefront on Armitage Avenue by Lori Andre, the entrepreneur has two passions: shoes and gourmet cooking. Thirty-four years (and three sons) later, her business now includes several other brick and mortar stores, as well as, a thriving website. 

Moreover, Lori's business model remains the same: Offer fashionable, high-quality shoes that customers won't find elsewhere at affordable prices. The retailer's shoe buyers select styles from small factories in Italy that are new, fresh and fashion-forward, but not so bizarre and aggressive as to be impractical. 
Some of the shoes are made in the very same factories as well-known couture brands, but Lori's Shoe stock is aimed for people who don't spend $1,000+ on footwear, yet still covet well-made shoes.

As reported in The Chicago Tribute, her top selling brands include Bernie Mev, Jeffrey Campbell, Franco Sarto, Sam Edlelman and many contemporary brands. The inventory now includes some apparel and accessories also.

Personally, I scored a sleek pair of leather sports ballet flats for $29 (+$8 shipping). With great arch support and athletic rubber soles, they are marked down from $100. What a steal!

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