Although Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Cookies still exist, I can't find them at my supermarket nor at Target. A customer can buy a very expensive bite-size pack at CVS Pharmacy, but I'd like more than 1 ounce, especially if I'm paying nearly the same price as I would for the 15-16 ounce missing family size. So after a dozen+ trips of coming home empty-handed, I decided to make a batch at home. How hard could it be? Not very ... as it turns out. Here's the recipe I came up with for 18 single -- 9 stacked sandwich cookies:
Homemade Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Cookies
Ingredients for the cookies:
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup peanut butter
a pad of butter (= 1 - 1.5 teaspoons - I eyeball it.)
1/3 cup of brown sugar syrup + 2 tablespoons of dry granular brown sugar - I make and stock brown sugar syrup for pancakes. You can substitute either 1/3 cup of water with 1/3 cup of brown sugar, or use any pure syrup you have at home -- maple syrup, golden syrup, etc. 1 teaspoon baking soda
a pinch of salt
Butter to grease the baking sheet
Extra all-purpose flour if needed to work with the cookie dough.
Directions for the cookies:
All for you readers I ate 2 cookies. Testing.:) |
1) In a mixing bowl, mix the flour, peanut butter, and butter together.
2) Stir in the syrup, extra brown sugar, baking soda, and salt.
3) At this point use your hands to fold and mix the dough until you get a solid texture that is no longer sticky. Sprinkle a tad of flour on your hands and the dough to help with the task. [If you go up to an extra 1/4 cup of flour as you mix, the taste and texture of the cookies will still be fine.]
4) Form into 18 round balls by rolling them with your palms. Dip out about a tablespoon of dough for each cookie. Flatten and place each round ball on a buttered cookie sheet.
5) I don't shape the cookies into peanuts like the store-bought Nutter Butter cookies, but here's how to make the peanut shapes: Divide one round ball of dough in half; flatter each round half; lay the 2 halves side by side, then seal the adjacent sides of each circle that are touching.) I'm fine with circle cookies. [My mom was always the cookie fuzz pot, making cookie shapes and decorations. I simply aim for a good taste for the piehole, neat in appearance, cute optional. Hey in a cookie, you can always make ugly disappear!š]
6) With a fork, score the tops of each cookie horizontally than vertically.
7) Bake in a pre-heated 350 degrees F oven for 10 - 12 minutes until slightly brown.
7) Let cool while you make the Peanut Butter Filling.
Ingredients for the filling:
1/3 cup of peanut butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
a pad of butter
Drops of milk (or cream)
1) Mix the peanut butter, powdered sugar, and butter together until combined. Use the drops of milk to get the consistency smooth, creamy, and spreadable.
2) Spread the filling on a cooled Nutter Butter Cookie and top with a 2nd cookie for one sandwich cookie.
In the recipe, you can get away with omitting the 2 pads of butter and extra 2 tablespoons of brown sugar for a less in calories cookie, but adding them makes a tastier, richer, sweeter cookie ... without oversweetness. This recipe for homemade Nutter Butter Cookies has fewer ingredients than the commercial ones, but is very peanut-nutty and tastes much like the original. Enjoy!
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